It’s always a good time of year when one of your favourite apparel brands releases a new collection of wares to be enjoyed but this is especially true when the brand in question is that of P & Co and the collection is as awesome looking as Liars X Cry Babies.
P & Co are a UK based purveyor of apparel excellence and they have long been on our radar here at Coolector HQ given our love of typography and illustration inspired clothing and their latest collection, Liars X Cry Babies, continues their rich vein of delivering top class clothing for us all to enjoy.
The Liars X Cry Babies collection from P & Co takes its design inspiration from the rebellious youth cultures of the 1950’s, motorbikes, rat rods, hot pants and Marlon Brando’s film Wild Ones and this positively shines through in all of the pieces that come together to make up this magnificent new series of apparel from one of our favourite brands. Check out a few more shots below:
Another great looking collection from our friends at P & Co comes as no surprise to us whatsoever and if you’ve got a love of typography inspired tees and apparel, not to mention the glorious, rebellious 50s era that forms the inspiration for the Liars X Cry Babies collection, then you’re definitely want to get your hands on some pieces from this spiffing series.
See More: P & Co