If, like me, you’ve got unfulfilled childhood astronaut aspirations and have grown too fat (and drunk) in adulthood to be accepted onto any sort of NASA enrolment programme, you’ll probably keep an eye out for awesome items that will give you the appearance of having had a jolly into space at some point. Well, sir, I think I’ve found possibly the most brilliant and stylish addition to my array of intergalactic paraphernalia in the form of this top notch Luna iPhone 5 Case from some bonkers but fantastic designers from Korea (I think).
The company behind this exceptionally striking iPhone 5 case, POSH-PROJECTS, have crafted the moon-themed piece from concrete which will serve the purpose of making your phone look hard as nails (and like the moon) and also guarantee that you will drown if you fall in water. Because as we all know, we won’t relinquish our iPhone 5’s even if our lives are in peril.
Every single one of these Luna iPhone 5 cases is unique as no two have the same surface and this exclusivity should appeal to those who like to stand out. Boasting loads of authentic looking craters across the case, you’ll definitely be in a minority of one who has a moon-themed, concrete crafted iPhone case. Wonderfully designed and executed, this uber-cool offering will soften the blow of my multiple failed applications to space camp. Check out some close-ups below:
Available in The Coolector Store.