MECHA By Mr Jack

Robots are pretty excellent in almost every conceivable way and just because the ones that we’ve currently created in real life aren’t exactly jaw-droppingly spectacular, that doesn’t mean to say we can celebrate those depicted in artwork and some of the best that we’ve seen of late are these excellent MECHA Paintings by Mr Jack which boast a simplistic but striking aesthetic which has certainly struck a chord with us here at Coolector HQ.

Though our lack of artistic talent haunts us, we’ve no problems in celebrating the skills of others and Mr Jack has definitely been added to our list of talented chaps to follow with his great MECHA Series of robotic artwork which, truth be told, is right up our street. Mr Jack, real name Luke Mancini, is a concept artist who works for Blizzard Entertainment on games like Starcraft and this certainly shines through in this mechanised collection of awesome artwork.

We love finding new artists and illustrators to pore over here at Coolector HQ and Mr Jack certainly has the artistic wherewithal to have thoroughly caught our attention here at The Coolector and we can wait to see what other pieces he adds to his already extensive body of work in the future.

See More: DeviantArt