Monolith Ping Pong Table

It’s fair to say we’re pretty big fans of ping pong here at The Coolector and whether it’s brilliantly designed bats or technologically advanced tables, we’ve always got an eye out for cool stuff pertaining to the pong.

Resultantly, you won’t be surprised to hear that this rather superb looking Monolith Ping Pong Table has captured our attention with the bold and striking design that it boasts. The Monolith Ping Pong Table is the handiwork of a supremely cool collaboration between Laith McGregor and architect Murray Barker, with the end result being a Flintstone-esque ping pong table overflowing with awesomeness.

The Monolith Ping Pong Table is crafted from a mixture of concrete and stone aggregates for one of the most robust and unusual looks you’re likely to come across and whilst it may not be Olympics ratified, it gets the Coolector HQ thumbs up for sure. Check out a few more shots below:










If you’ve a love of table tennis and industrial design, the Monolith Ping Pong Table is definitely going to be right up your street and we’re thoroughly impressed with the innovative design and understated finish of the construct here at The Coolector.

See More: Murray Barker