With the month of November, and therefore, Movember firmly upon us, our thoughts at The Coolector have naturally turned towards who is capable of growing the best moustache for this highly admirable cause. Lamentably, our moustache growing skills are minimal at best and we need a Sherpa to guide us on our journey to growing the finest moustache possible. Fortunately, that’s exactly what we have in the form of the exceptional Nick Offerman and his guide to famous moustaches through history above.
Note the horseman being pulled from his mount and pleasured to death by a horde of concubines.
Movemeber is, of course, an incredibly important cause and the wonderfully light-hearted way in which it is approached does an admirable job of drawing more attention to it. I can’t think of a finer moustachioed role model than that of Offerman and his horde of fans are sure to be doing their utmost to replicate his formidable facial hair over the next thirty days or so. We here at The Coolector will be doing our best to grow facial hair for Movember but, word of warning, they will surely be whispy, prepubescent affairs unsuitable for human consumption.
See more about Movember – HERE.
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