When it comes to phone cases, we’re not an overly picky bunch here at Coolector HQ but every once in a while we come across something that leaves more than a little impressed and that’s the current situation we find ourselves in after stumbling upon the rather excellent looking Nexpaq Modular Phone Case which is currently being funded over on Kickstarter.
The Nexpaq Modular Phone Case really gives your phone a whole new level of functionality that will definitely appear to those gadget lovers who want to eek every last modicum of performance from their smart phones. This cracking case provides add-on memory, extra battery capacity, an amplified speaker and plenty more besides so it is certainly a more impressive offering than the norm. Check out some more shots of this spiffing phone case below:
There’s somewhat of Tron vibe to the aesthetic of these Nexpaq Modular Phone Cases which is appealing to our design sensibilities here at Coolector HQ but it is undoubtedly the additional functionality and versatility that it provides that is the chief draw of this superb little accessory. Though you may not have realised it, your phone has the potential to be so much more and this case helps to release that potential with its various modules that can do anything from improve battery life to providing a Super LED Flashlight for more professional style photos.
Show Support: Kickstarter