OrbitKey Sanitiser Holder

Given the fact that we’re only really begin to emerge from the global pandemic now, most people will be a lot more serious about their hygiene when out and about and one of the most obvious means of doing this is ensuring you have sanitiser to hand when you head out the door. Well, with this excellent OrbitKey Sanitiser Holder, forgetting your sanitiser will no longer be an issue and it will ensure your EDC lineup isn’t impacted aesthetic by having to port around an unsightly bottle of sanitiser.

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The OrbitKey Sanitiser Holder retails for just $24.90 and it is the perfect solution for keeping hand sanitiser close and easily accessible, so that you can clean your hands frequently and conveniently while you’re on the go. Designed with a 50ml refillable, premium aluminium bottle, a pump dispenser suitable for liquid and gel-based sanitisers, and an Orbitkey Clip attachment, the new Sanitiser Holder is the ideal everyday carry essential in our opinion here at Coolector HQ.

Available in three striking finishes: Black, Silver and Blush – you can pick the one that best fits in with your EDC collection. Driven by design and innovation, Orbitkey always aims to come up with products that enhance your day-to-day with clever organisation. In early April 2020, the team thought hard about what could be done to help with the COVID-19 pandemic. Within 5 weeks, Orbitkey designed the range of original Sanitiser Holders in three different styles – Clip, Retractor and Lanyard – and launched the Orbitkey Helping Hands initiative to help alleviate the crisis.

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As part of the Helping Hands initiative, Orbitkey were able to donate over 500 Retractable Sanitiser Holders to essential workers across Australia, New Zealand and the United States. 2 years on, Orbtikey is now proud to release a new and improved Sanitiser Holder, which brilliantly builds upon the original and crowd favourite Clip design. The lightweight bottle is easy to use, refill and attach to any bag or belt. Want to keep germs at bay? Make sure to add the OrbitKey Sanitiser Holder to your everyday carry lineup now.

Leo Davie