Making cocktails at home can be a decidedly hit and miss affair whereby (particularly in our case) you’ll just wing it, adding unspecified amounts and ingredients into the mix and hoping the end result of this isn’t a concoction that is entirely unpalatable. Well, this care-free approach to home cocktail making may soon be a thing of the past courtesy of this excellent looking device that goes by the name of the Ozz Interactive Cocktail Shaker, which looks set to create a whole new breed of home cocktail quaffers.
The Ozz Interactive Cocktail Shaker is the work of MVND, a Dutch design agency that claim to craft magical products for everyday life, and, if the Ozz is anything to go by, they are sticking to these claims rather admirably. One part cocktail shaker, one part accompanying app, the Ozz device makes the art of mixology a doddle and provides a pretty impressive light show to distract your guests whilst you’re putting their cocktail together. The device and the app guide you every step of the way from selecting your ingredients for any given cocktail right through to the quantities required and the physical mixing of your ingredients. Check out a few shots below:
Making cocktails isn’t something that we do with any great regularity at The Coolector but this is perhaps through lack of knowledge and know-how more than anything else. With devices like the Ozz Interactive Cocktail Shaker out there, it could soon become much easier to become a master of mixology but the project will need to meet its funding target on Kickstarter first. If you’re wanting to ramp up your mojito skills and need a bit of wizardry to act as your Sherpa then the Ozz might just be the piece of technology for you.
Show Support: Kickstarter