As children of the 80’s here at The Coolector, we certainly have more than a soft spot for side-facing, 8-Bit adventure games such as Mario and Zelda and we are not ashamed to admit being nostalgic for the days when computer games were a much simpler affair (though don’t get us wrong – we’re pretty excited about GTA V).
I think the one abiding memory of having grown up with these sideways scrolling videogames in our youths is the old “Well, I would have done that level differently….” train of thought and now, courtesy of this fantastic looking piece of software that goes by the name of Pixel Press, we have the opportunity to turn this dream into a reality by actually drawing our own level designs and uploading them direct via an accompanying app.
Pixel Press is billed as a web, mobile and desktop application that allows people of all ages to build their very own video games and I’m sure you’ll join The Coolector in agreeing that this is all sorts of awesome. The most impressive aspect, perhaps, is the simplicity insomuch as all you need to get started in making your own video games is a pencil, some paper and the Pixel Press App – no coding knowledge whatsoever is required. The application boasts loads of customisable features to really allow you to make your creation your own and we can’t wait to start creating our own levels which, truth be told, will probably just be a map of Coolector HQ with traps between the beer-filled cooler and ourselves.
Pixel Press is pencilled in for a beta launch in December and you make your pre-order from Project Pixel Press.