As avid videogame fans here at The Coolector, we’ve always got a soft spot for wares that celebrate the awesomeness of games in the 80s, 90s in particular and this superbly realised Pop Chart Lab The Chart of Controllers Print does exactly that. If you’ve grown up with any of the iconic consoles out there (and, indeed, some of the more obscure ones) chances are the controller from said device will be represented in this cracking print.
Pop Chart Labs are regulars on the pages of The Coolector with their compiled list style prints which always strike the right note but this The Chart of Controllers Print resonates more than most with us due to the fact we’re big videogame aficionados and have, in our time, played with the consoles represented in this cracking print at one time or other. If you’re also a fan of retro video games, chances are you’ll want to be proudly displaying one of these ace looking designs in your own workspace.
From Atari to Xbox
Needless to say, there have been an awful lot of consoles finding their way onto shelves, and into homes, over the last few decades and almost as important as the design of the consoles themselves was the look and feel of the controllers they had and this great print from Pop Chart Lab does a superb job of celebrating the diverse nature and design of controllers over the last thirty years or so.
The Pop Chart Lab The Chart of Controllers Print is one of the most comprehensive and extensively researched collection of controllers that you’re likely to encounter and consists of over 200 of the world’s most memorable pads and joysticks. Going back as far as 1958, there really are some golden oldies to be discovered in this excellent looking print. Ideally suited to any videogame lover out there, this exceptionally curated print is going to really bring your wall or workspace to life with some retro gaming awesomeness.
Painstakingly compiled, this The Chart of Controllers Print from Pop Chart Lab categorises everything from the classic NES gamepad to the DualShock 4 (and, you’ll be pleased to here, there are plenty of less well-known oddities such as the Sega Activator and the bonkers Famicom Joyball included for your viewing pleasure too). A hand-illustrated, next-level print that boasts more or less every video game controller that has made it to market over the last seven amazing decades of videogaming.
Iconic Gaming
It really is difficult not to have been one over by a certain controller or, in our case, multiple different controllers during the course of your gaming life and any device which you have a soft spot for will likely have been captured in this brilliant The Chart of Controllers Print from Pop Chart Lab.
Printed on top quality paper for a real stand out aesthetic, each of the hand drawn controllers on the print has an exceptional attention to detail and you’ll likely spend hours poring over this breathtaking print and harking back to your own glory days of gaming. A superb addition to any workspace or wall and one we’re keen to get our hands on here at Coolector HQ.
Price: $37+
See More: Pop Chart Lab