Topo Design Rover Pack

Spending time outdoors is something that we strive to do a good deal more of here at Coolector HQ in 2014 but in order…

Draught Beer Jelly Beans

As firm beer fans here at Coolector HQ, we’re unduly attentive to anything that even mildly pertains to our favourite tipple but when the…

Victor Nunes Faces

Though we’re entirely incapable artists here at Coolector HQ, we’re definitely in awe of those with the creativity gene and few have a bigger…

Omnom Handmade Chocolate

As we continue our steady and inevitable descent into obesity here at Coolector HQ for which our old adversary chocolate is principally responsible, more…

We Sell Socks

In a brilliant stroke of branding brilliance, the Toronto based and wonderfully named, We Sell Socks, thrust themselves well and truly onto our radar…

Blaze Laserlights

For anyone who has ever cycled on the streets of London, it is basically a free for all where you’re taking your life into…

Kick Posters

We’re not that obsessive about out shoes here at The Coolector but we do like some of the most iconic footwear that have hit…

Sanborn Canoe Outdoor Goods

We’re far from outdoorsmen here at The Coolector but this isn’t to say that we can’t appreciate the goods designed with hardier souls than…

Porsche 911 Colour Series

We’re not the biggest car aficionados here at Coolector HQ but we’re certainly fans of awesome looking design projects and that’s what we’ve got…

Newman Radios

I think it’s fair to say that we here at The Coolector loved the way old radios worked and their visual appeal is far…

Into the Cave of Wonders

The earth on which we live is a pretty extraordinary place and we here at The Coolector have often showcased videos that wonderfully illustrate…


The idea of robot ownership is something that very much appeals to us here at Coolector HQ and we’re even more enamoured at the…