Finding an interesting workspace that is a little out of the ordinary and helps to promote the sort of creativity that you hope to achieve whilst spending hours a day sitting there isn’t easy but there are some examples out there which really stand out from the crowd – this extraordinary Rail Yard Studio Graffiti Switchpoint Desk being one such example.
Rail Yard Studio, as the name admirably alludes to, make products, principally furniture, crafted from reclaimed materials from rail lines and the end results are most impressive indeed. We featured an exceptional table tennis table from the design studio a year or so ago which was just as remarkable as this stunning Graffiti Switchpoint Desk from Rail Yard Studio.
All Aboard
It is the quality of the craftsmanship that really stands out with the furniture creations from Rail Yard Studio and their mighty impressive capacity for integrating seemingly impossible to use parts of rail lines into their designs. This excellent Graffiti Switchpoint Desk is no exception and for anyone who is on the lookout for a workspace that boasts both style and functionality, this one would get our vote.
Named after a ‘switchpoint’ where, in a railroad turnout, it defines the place at which a locomotive formally makes the transition from one track to another and this is something which is made aesthetically apparent within the design of the desk itself. With the graffiti adding a touch of urban style to proceedings, in direct contrast to the other, more rustic, materials used in its construction, this fantastic looking workspace from Rail Yard Studio will be our pick at Coolector HQ.
Using only chemical free, fresh cut, hardwood timbers for their furniture designs, Rail Yard Studio never use recycled or creosote treated railroad ties (timbers) in the constructions so you needn’t have any concerns about the quality of the piece and its ability to be the ideal workspace for years to come.
Creativity Express
In our experience here at Coolector HQ, one’s workspace really does make a huge difference to productivity levels and choosing one that gets those creative juices flowing is a must. This top notch offering from Rail Yard Studio has got so many exquisite features and is the sort of unique, stylish piece of furniture that dovetails with almost any interior design aesthetic.
It is particularly well suited to individuals that have a love of the railways or graffiti, of course, but such is its functionality and first rate craftsmanship, we’re pretty sure its appeal is going to be universal in nature. A cracking workspace for those with a creative mindset.
See More: Rail Yard Studio