Reality Road Mapei Video

Now that Volvo’s great Reality Road series has come to an end, the raison d’être for the campaign is now available – namely, Mapei’s music video that takes in all the best moments from the Europe wide road trip and intermingles them into a great music video that showcases her vocal talents and the highlights from their european adventure.

Mapei is a Swedish / American singer who travelled across Europe with Volvo to create a music video called Million Ways to Live and it’s a visual spectacle that really brings the trip to life. Take a look at the video for yourself below:

The video captures the spirit of the adventure and whilst it probably took a good deal longer to put together than most music videos nowadays, it was definitely worth the extra effort with a finished product as mightily impressive as this.

Great direction and visual excellence abounds and if Mapei isn’t a name that you’re familiar with, chances are it likely soon will be courtesy of Volvo’s fantastic Reality Road Campaign.

See More: Volvo