We’ve nothing but respect for the Austrian daredevil, Felix Baumgartner, but we’ve long since thought that the good chap was more than a little bonkers and this recently released full POV video of his descent to earth late last year merely reinforces this belief. There is barely a person out there who hasn’t seen or heard about Baumgartner’s record breaking dive last year and this video which gives us everything that he saw during his descent is definitely stomach churning, but awe-inspiring, stuff.
This excellent video really does show just how mesmerising Baumgartner’s descent was and provides various statistics about his fall via a HUD, such as his airspeed which, at one point, reaches a mind-boggling 840 KPH, and captures the terrifying tailspin in which he found himself in not long after he stepped foot off the platform. It is feats of bravery and craziness like this from Baumgartner that we’re big advocates of here at Coolector HQ and whilst this jump may not be new, the footage is and it really does reinforce just how impressive an undertaking it was on the part of the Austrian madman.
You can see a documentary about this memorable event – HERE.