Revision Convex Bottle Opener

As you’re likely aware, we’re pretty big beer fans here at The Coolector and we’re always on the hunt for ace looking pieces of design to help liberate are picks of amber nectar. Enter this excellent Convex Bottle Opener from Revision which is funding over on Kickstarter now and will sate the appetites of beer and design aficionados equally. It is striking ball bearing that is intended for industrial use and transformed into a piece of contemporary design.

The Revision Convex Bottle Opener on Kickstarter is available for the bargain price of $28 which is 40% off the final intended retail price so move quickly if you want to add this stylish piece of industrial design to your line up of beer liberating accessories. It is a reflective stainless steel ball ready to de-cap any beer or beverage and each one is crafted from a huge industrial ball bearing typically used in heavy machinery, but reimagined as a modern bottle opener.

Industrial Excellence

With it’s mirror-polished, spherical form, the Revision Convex Bottle Opener beautifully warps and reflects its surroundings to deliver an unparalleled visual impact. It is crafted from super robust, 304 stainless steel which means this fantastic bottle opener is designed to last a lifetime of cracking open a cold one. The hexagonal hole delivers the leverage for gripping caps as well providing a sturdy base to stop the ball from rolling away when not in use. 

Perfectly balanced between an ostentatious display and understated camouflage, the Revision Convex Bottle Opener on Kickstarter (from $28) effortlessly matches any room instantly but it’s also flashy and attention grabbing at the same time. A functional piece of art that is a great gift for anyone looking for standout accessories for their home or office.

Revision sourced some of these baseball sized bearings and noticed what an opportunity there was to use them alternatively. A single ball held in the hand is mesmerising, like some sort of magic trick, it warps your face and the whole room into an infinite, tiny space. Revision spent time packing that experience into a useful object that you can keep around all the time and reach for whenever you’ve got a craft beer to be opened. 

High Quality Design

The guys at Revision ordered an abundance of samples from many, many suppliers to find the purest reflective ball bearings out there. Endless hand-cut prototypes led them to a simple but striking hexagon hole on one side delivers three jaws to grip the bottle cap. The hexagon hole also provides a dependable resting point for the ball when it’s not in use.

Offering great value for money at just $28 during the Kickstarter campaign, we’re loving the Revision Convex Bottle Opener here at Coolector HQ. Its stylish, industrial aesthetic is sure to appeal to those with a penchant for minimalism and if you’re after a super cool means of opening your beers, you’ve just found the ideal candidate. Head on over to Kickstarter now.

Leo Davie
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