We featured a project called Electric Objects on the pages of The Coolector a few days back which was based on the premise that there is more art on the internet than in all the galleries in the world and this is something which is pertinent to our latest discovery – namely, this fantastic series of prints but a talented artist by the name of Ryan Putnam.
Putnam describes himself as a designer, illustrator, Dropboxer, potter, father, and explorer and this has all come together in order for him to create this first rate collection of prints that really catches the eye. The series which, as it happens, is called the Collection Series is a range of prints which showcase the various elements that make up a collection and includes some of our favourite films amongst its offerings such as Ghostbusters and Back to the Future so there is definitely plenty to enjoy for those who enjoy a similar artistic mindset to us here at Coolector HQ.
Ryan Putnam approaches all his artwork with having fun in mind and this definitely shines through in this collection of prints which are minimalist in tone but epic in awesomeness. If, like us, you’re forever on the hunt for new pieces of eye-catching artwork to hang in your workspace, you should definitely be keeping your beady eye on Putnam because he is a creative talent with some really engaging pieces of artwork under his belt and we couldn’t be more impressed here at Coolector HQ.
See More: Ryan Putnam