The Olympics is now officially upon us and we can sit back and enjoy a few weeks of elite sportsman and women doing what they do best. It is, however, the underdog story that typically appeals to us here at Coolector HQ and that’s why we’ve been firmly won over by this awesome Samsung Olympics video called The Anthem which features South Sudanese athlete, Margret Rumat Rumat Hassan(400-Meter Runner) and tells the story of how South Sudan will be featuring in the Olympic Games for the very first time. Take a look at the video below:
With so many countries competing for glory in Rio, it may well be the case that South Sudan don’t end up on any podiums but the fact that they’re competing at their first ever Olympics is definitely victory enough and this brilliantly put together video from Samsung does a great job of celebrating this very fact.
As a leading name in the world of technology, Samsung have been heavily involved in the Olympic Games since the Seoul Olympics back in 1988 and they continue to ensure that the event that we await so eagerly for four years is spectacular and enjoyable for all. We’ll certainly be rooting for South Sudan here at Coolector HQ.
See More: Samsung