Sapling Prints Letterpress Cards

The Coolector has a certain affinity for typography and love when humour is thrown into the equation so we’re understandably mightily impressed with these awesome letterpress cards from Sapling Prints.

Sapling Prints are the work of Lisa Cairns Krowinski who has crafted some great letterpress products that have caught our eye here at Coolector HQ. The series of letterpress cards exhibited here have been created in conjunction with the humour of Jared Wunsch and his site who came up with the tag-lines for the cards. Check out a few of our favourites below:





Though we’re not sure of quite what we’d use these letterpress cards for here at The Coolector, except perhaps revelling in their patent awesomeness, we’re definitely keen to see what else Lisa Cairns Krowinski has in store for 2014.

Price: $5

Available: Etsy

Leo Davie
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