The Secret Life of Superheroes

Let’s face it, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider Man et al can’t be out saving lives and kicking ass the whole time. They need some downtime when they’re, you know, playing hopscotch and getting hair cuts and, as luck would have it, a talented photographer by the name of Hrjoe has managed to document these occasions wonderfully well (through the use of extremely lifelike versions of some of your favourite superheroes).

Obviously, the project is merely a bit of fun on the part of Hrjoe but there’s no denying that the finished scenes like incredible and extremely believable and this is testament to the painstaking preparation he puts into the shoots to meticulously set up each scene with various superheroes like Captain America, Iron Man and the Hulk carrying out tasks a good deal more mundane than those we’re typically use to seeing them doing. Check out a few of our favourites below:










As you can see, there is a good degree of tongue in cheek humour pervading through each of these stunning shots from Hrjoe Photography and if you’re a fan of the Marvel Avengers franchise then we dare say that you too will get plenty of satisfaction from this superb series of photos. Whether it’s Hulk darning his trousers or the Avengers being terrified of a mouse, this Secret Life of Superheroes series from Hrjoe is never short of spectacular and we can’t wait to see what else the talented fellow comes up with in 2015.

See More: Hrjoe Photography

Leo Davie