Here at The Coolector HQ, we drink more tea and coffee than, perhaps, is necessary / safe and there are few things that we enjoy more than a well-brewed hot beverage. This love of all things tea and coffee related brings us nicely onto this fantastic little receptacle that is currently wowing folk on Kickstarter and it goes by the name of Steep, by Canister.
Canister are a team of craftsman heralding from San Francisco in California and they’ve certainly already garnered my attention with their Steep receptacle. This excellent tea-carrier is a 16 ounce (475ml) ceramic mug that works with any traditional mason jar lid, making it water-tight and suitable for taking on your travels i.e. commutes or treks into the woods, for adventurous sorts.
The Steep is suitable for carrying more or less anywhere you can imagine or just for your bureau at home as you’re working and, better still, the brilliant receptacle’s designer, Ben Coughlin, also plans to release it with a rather fetching wool felt koozie which will help to keep your tea warm.
Canister go about designing the Steep in the right way and make sure that they are involved in every part of its manufacture, right through from the conceptual designs until they reach the physical manufacture of the product. The Steep ceramic mug is definitely the sort of gear that we can get on board with here at The Coolector and we’ll be sending our support to the project because of our tea affinity. You can see why we’ve been so impressed with the Steep in the gallery below:
You can back the Steep on Kickstarter or view the website – HERE.