Talja Wood Carving Kit

As rather avid fans of Ron Swanson AKA Nick Offerman here at Coolector HQ, woodworking is something that is of interest to us but, of course, entirely outside the realms of our talents but that might be about to change courtesy of this superb looking Talja Wood Carving Kit that looks to be the ideal way of introducing oneself to the merits of woodworking.

Talja are a Swedish brand who take pride in woodworking and, as a result, have decided to make their very own kit that extols the virtues of making things with your own two hands. This brilliant looking kit contains everything that you need to start your own carving and whittling endeavours and this includes a knife (with case), some birch wood to get you started, sandpaper, oil and instructions on how to go about the actual process if you’re a novice.

It is the superb branding of the Talja Wood Carving Kit that immediately caught our eye here at The Coolector and it’s difficult not to be won over by the simplicity of the premise and the excellence of its execution. In the hectic modern day and age, people seldom have the time or inclination to actually make things themselves and we’re hoping that great little bits of kit like this from Talja will help buck that trend. Check out a couple more shots below:

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We’re entirely incapable at all things DIY at The Coolector but, with a bit of luck, we will get our hands on one of the Talja Wood Carving Kits and start to become more proficient with our hands. A brilliant concept that will potentially create a whole new raft of woodworking aficionados and there is something deeply satisfying about making something with your own two hands so we’re sure these kits will fly off the shelves.

See More: Talja