Owning a shed is an objective for most men but the term “shed” doesn’t do justice to what we’re about to show you – an architectural innovation called the Tetra Shed. Adaptable, affordable, demountable, durable, and even eco-friendly (if you’re into that sort of thing) tetra shed is the latest addition to the increasingly popular trend that is pop-up buildings.
Back in the day a shed with an unwanted armchair and old stereo was considered an efficient alternative to the pricier extension. Of course nowadays this wouldn’t be deemed acceptable, and fortunately we have creative pioneers looking to test architectural boundaries. The beauty of the tetra shed design lies in adaptability and simplicity. Your idea is your creation, and to aid this process there’s a 3D configurator available via the tetra shed website, allowing would-be consumers the opportunity to bring their ideas to fruition; this is especially helpful when determining delivery, weight, and cost factors.
Available in flat-pack form you’re able to flex your masculine attributes by masterminding your own creation. If however you’re like us here at Coolector HQ, and your DIY Skills are slacking, tetra shed will send their very own assembly SWAT team, so you can kick back and watch the innovation take place.
Bonus points are awarded for technological advancements, with app controlled sound systems, underfloor heating, and LED lighting all optional extras; the importance of keeping up to date with digitization is often understated, so kudos to the chaps on that one.
These guys don’t mess about, and far from resting on their laurels they’ve opted to continue their success with sister-brand tetra hydron. If you have your own ideas about what a tetra shed could be used for be sure to let us know.
See More: Tetra Shed