If your skincare endeavours are a bit of a disaster but you wish to turn them into somewhat of a triumph then there is a top notch purveyor of skincare products for men that you should be checking out, the very aptly named Triumph & Disaster, who have impressed us greatly here at Coolector HQ with their spiffing array of soaps, moisturisers and other skincare wares.
Triumph & Disaster herald from New Zealand and are the brainchild of Dion Nash who saw fit to create some top class men’s grooming goods after values he derived from Rudyard Kipling’s “IF” poem as a child and we’re certainly glad of its influence upon him because their goods look fantastic to say the least. Combining science with Mother Nature to craft superb naturally derived skincare products that also boast great looking branding, you’ll find plenty to enjoy amongst Triumph & Disaster’s cracking array of products.
Using local indigenous products like Horopito oil and Ponga fern extract mixed with scientifically proven and natural ingredients from all over the world, such as clay from Australia, Tamanu oil from Polynesia and Jojoba extract from Mexico, you’ll find it hard to argue with the back to nature vibe of Triumph & Disaster skincare products and we here at Coolector HQ have been left thoroughly impressed with their excellent looking products. Check out some of their best below:
Though we don’t take as good care of our skin as perhaps we should here at The Coolector, we’re always on the lookout for awesome looking brands to add to our collection of products and Triumph & Disaster undoubtedly fall within this awesome bracket. If you’re wanting skincare products made in the right way and boasting natural ingredients, Triumph & Disaster will certainly tick all of your boxes, sir, and we’re keeping an eye out on what other products they’ve got in store for 2014.
Available: Triumph & Disaster