uKeg Growler

If you’re the sort of chap who leaves the house for the day and wants a good quantity of beer in tow that you want to keep fresh and cool throughout the day then rejoice because a recently launched Kickstarter project called the uKeg Growler looks set to answer the prayers of many a craft beer aficionado.

The uKeg Growler is the creation of Portland based, Growler Werks, and is billed as the solution to good microbrew going bad and that makes it a winner in our books here at Coolector HQ. This impressive looking device is crafted from stainless steel and has a couple of important appendages that make it a cut above the rest – namely, a carbonation cap, pressure gauge and tap which lets you pour your cold beer like an absolute boss as and when you want it.

As any craft beer fan will know, a lot of the finest beers aren’t actually sold in bottles and need to be taken away from the brewery in question in a growler. There are drawbacks with this as, in most cases, it will be a glass growler which allows the beer to go flat when originally opened which will ruin your tasty drop but it is here that the uKeg Growler steps into the fray to save the day. This beer lover’s delight prevents air from entering your beer and delivers a carbonated beverage much more admirably than many existing growlers on the market and it is easy to see why this will appeal to the ale aficionado. Check out a few more shots of the growler below, including some images of how it actually keeps your grog in tip top condition:






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As a real lover of beer here at Coolector HQ, devices like the uKeg Growler are clearly right up our street and there project is mightily close to reaching its target on Kickstarter so it’s looking decidedly likely this awesome looking product will be making it to market, which we couldn’t be happier about. If you’re also a lover of the amber nectar and want to keep it at its best at all times, there is still over a month left to throw your support behind this cracking project from Oregon based, Growler Werks.

Show Support: Kickstarter

Leo Davie