Whiskey is a spirit which we try desperately to enjoy here at Coolector HQ but we don’t really have the palate for it but that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate this class drink and it is clear that the chaps over at Pop Chart Lab are equally as enamoured with the drop if their awesome The Many Varieties Of Whiskey Wood Engraving is anything to go by.
With a design that is inspired by the barrels used to age whiskey, this eye-catching prints will unquestionably appeal to those who have a love of the spirit and if you’re looking for an alcohol themed piece of artwork to hang proudly above your workspace, then this from Pop Chart Labs must be a prime contender.
Laser engraved into cherry ply, this stunning piece categorises and distills all the major varieties of whiskey into their individual types so if you’ve a hankering for increasing your knowledge about whiskey, this is one cool looking crib sheet. Check out a few more shots below:
We’re forever on the lookout for awesomeness here at Coolector HQ and we find more than our fair share on the digital shelves of Pop Chart Labs and their latest offering, The Many Varieties of Whiskey Wood Engraving, is another hit in our ours. Each one is 100% unique, crafted by hand in Brooklyn, New York, and boasts a custom walnut frame for an incredible stylish and aesthetically pleasing finish.
Price: $185
See More: Pop Chart Lab