Vibes Meltdown 2043 by Case Studyo

We’re all for unusual little bits of paraphernalia here at Coolector headquarters and we’ve managed to fill our boots with the excellent wares on offer from Case Studyo and our favourite offering  from this Belgian platform for talented artists is the rather spiffing Vibes Meltdown 2043 by Cody Hudson.

But what is the aforementioned Vibes Meltdown 2043 you’d be well within your rights to ask. Well, permit us here at Coolector HQ to explain. This eye-catching and psychedelic looking number is  meant to stimulate the mind and evoke the hallucinatory and enlightening moments that are around us at all times through life and death. Well, we don’t know about that but it reminds us of one of our childhood favourite games, Grim Fandango, so it’s got that in its favour for sure.




For all intents and purposes, it is an incense burner and the creator of the piece claims that Nag Champa incense is the best fit. We here at The Coolector are firm fans of its great design and functionality and if you’re the candle burning sort and want an interesting and striking offering to facilitate this, you’ll not go too far wrong with the Vibes Meltdown 2043 by Case Studyo.

Available: Case Studyo