Vintage Overland Caravans

The thought of travel and adventure is something that’s never far from our mind here at Coolector HQ and that’s why we love great pieces of design like these brilliant looking Vintage Overland Caravans which anyone serious about their time in the wild should think about having appended to the back of their car.

Vintage Overland Caravans are crafted with both style and functionality as a priority and specifically for the adventurous inclined. They boast many impressive features that make them tailor made for life on the road including a welded steel frame for durability and cosy interiors to keep you comfortable throughout your trip. Check out a few more shots below:







Fantastically crafted and with an eye-catching teardrop shape, the Vintage Overland Caravans are perfectly suited to both haulage and sleeping in depending on the sort of trip you’re going on. Personally speaking, we’d love to take one of those spiffing constructs into the wild and enjoy the great outdoors in comfort.

See More: Vintage Overland