Wazee Bike

Wazee Bike

If you’re a fan of vintage sports cars but your budget is more geared towards bicycles, then we’ve found the perfect steed for you in the form of this, quite frankly fantastic, Wazee Bike by Spot Brand Bicycles. Boasting the holy trinity of features that any dapper chap would want from his bike – style, precision and panache – the Wazee is a celebration of the brash spirit of the famous automotive designer and entrepreneur, Colin Chapman, who was responsible for creating the iconic Lotus 38, which won the Indy 500 in 1965.

Billed as a city bike which is hybrid between modern technology and a more vintage racing visual appeal, the Wazee has a slick and fantastically streamlined steel frame that gives it the rugged, sporty feel that, I for one, would demand from my bicycle. Given it is inspired by a Lotus legend, the colour scheme of greens and yellows is a bit of a given but there’s no denying that it looks like a bad-ass bike because of it. And, also, a little like Kick Ass.

The bike takes its name from one of Denver’s most famous thoroughfare streets, Wazee street, which is one of the most recognisable streets in the Colorado city. A spectacular bike and one that Colin Chapman would no doubt tip his cap to – should he be a cap-wearing individual. Take a look at this breath-taking below and prepare to be wowed. It’s perhaps prudent to point out, the Wazee carries a $2,200 price-tag and isn’t available until late August so don’t fall too deeply in love if you’re in the market for a considerably cheaper two-wheeled carriage!


Check out the stunning Wazee Bike – HERE.

Leo Davie
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