
As we’re in the middle of a little health kick here at Coolector HQ, we’ve invariably got our eye out for any great looking little gadgets and technology that relate to this and we’ve found something that expertly straddles both the health and technology spheres so it takes many of our boxes here at The Coolector and it goes by the name of Wello.

But what is Wello? And what does it do? Well, ostensibly,  from the outside, Wello looks little more than your run-of-the-mill phone cover but, in actuality, it’s got considerably more going on under the hood than first appears. Whilst, Wello is of course a phone cover, it is also considerably more than that as well because it’s a devilishly simple to use health tracker integrated into the casing that you’ll never forget when you leave the house because, let’s face it, your phone is one of the few things that you seldom leave home without.

Wello is the creation of Azoi Inc. and we here at The Coolector have been left thoroughly impressed with its clever design and admirable objective of boosting the health of smartphone users simply and effectively. All you need do with Wello is place your fingers over its hidden sensors and it will give you a reading of your health vitals such as heart rate and body temperature. The video below does a far superior job of explaining how Wello works than I possibly can so check it out:

[youtube width=”750″ height=”400″]http://youtu.be/3c6QdNhy1Aw[/youtube]



As you can see, it’s a rather impressive looking bit of kit which brilliantly integrates a bit of gear that most smartphones users have (a phone cover) and turns it into something much more valuable to the user than merely protecting your phone from damage. Wello has definitely left us impressed here at Coolector HQ and if you’re after something that will, literally, keep you in touch with your health vital statistics, then Wello may well be that device when it is released later this year.

Price: £120

Available: Wello

Leo Davie