Whiskey Barrel Coffee

As we’re no way near as cool as Don Draper here at Coolector HQ, we simply can’t countenance whiskey at all really. We’ve tried to drink it on a number of occasions in order to appear suave but failed epically on each occasion but we’re firm fans of coffee so we’re steeling ourselves to give it another bash with this rather excellent looking Whiskey Barrel Coffee from Espresso Smith.

Were it not for our love of coffee, our outright fear of whiskey would likely win out but this Whiskey Barrel Coffee also boasts some rather excellent looking branding which has  served to win us over a little to the point where we’re willing to give it a go. Espresso Smith are a Denver based coffee maker and they are most famed for their whiskey selection of brews which look great and, we’re sure, taste great too if your a spirits aficionado and, perhaps, even if you’re not.

Their coffees are made by ageing coffee beans in whiskey barrels to infuse them with the smokey taste of manly men’s favourite tipple and if you’re in the market for a new flavoured coffee in 2014, these Whiskey Barrel Coffees from Espresso Smith will likely tick all your boxes.


If you’re interested in the brewing process behind this boozy looking brew, and you should be, you can check out the video below to find out more about Whiskey Barrel Coffee:

[youtube width=”700″ height=”450″]http://youtu.be/9Pj0WWYaREE[/youtube]

So, if you want to test your mettle against a coffee that packs a bit of a punch then you’ll meet your match in the brilliant looking Whiskey Barrel Coffee and their superb array of flavours for you to tackle.

Price: $49

Available: Whiskey Barrel Coffee

Leo Davie