Though we’re more partial to beer here at Coolector HQ, it’s not unheard of that we’ll dabble in cocktails from time to time but we’d definitely like the opportunity to make some spiffing cocktails in the comfort of our own HQ and, for this, we thoroughly welcome the arrival of these fantastic looking White Whale Cocktail Mixers.
If you’re the lazy sort (which we unequivocally are) and don’t want to head online and look up recipes and would rather have someone hand your cocktails to you on a silver platter then these delicious sounding offerings from White Whale will be right up your street.
White Whale herald from Durham, South Carolina, and they lovingly crafted cocktail mixers boast some wonderful monikers that perhaps don’t allude to what is in the bottle but sound awesome nonetheless. A few of the cracking cocktail mixers that you can get your hands on from White Whale include Your Old Brother, The Filthy Liar and Auntie’s Old Fashioned and somewhat brilliantly in the lazy eye’s of us here at The Coolector all you need to do is “Just Add Vodka” (or the spirit these good natured Southern Gents recommend).
Made from nothing but exotic juices and fresh garden herbs, these smashing cocktail mixers from White Whale are made from the right stuff and given they are made from all natural ingredients, we here at Coolector HQ are hoping the hangovers they yield aren’t as brutal.
See More: White Whale