The Wooden Boombox

If, like us here at Coolector HQ, you had the good fortune to grow up in the 80s, you’ll be only too accustomed with the out and out awesomeness of the boombox but, lamentably, technologically speaking, they’ve had their day but imagine our delight when we came across The Wooden Boombox which not only sates our love of the design of boomboxes but also offers the sort of technological performance that today’s consumers will demand.

The Wooden Boombox is, as the name suggests, a, errrrm, wooden boombox but it’s so much more than that from an aesthetic point of view and will massively ramp up the visual appeal of any area in which you unleash it. Intricately designed and extremely well-crafted, The Wooden Boombox is available in a number of different styles to suit your tastes but it’s the “Classic” that we most favour at The Coolector. Take a look at a few more shots below:







Fantastically stylish, The Wooden Boombox will definitely appeal to those technophiles who have a love of the 80s such as us at Coolector HQ and we’ve been left thoroughly impressed with the fantastic designs already available and we’re in no doubt that more designs will become available as 2015 moves on.

See More: The Wooden Boombox

Leo Davie
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